Bilbao bajo las bombas: análisis espacial de los refugios antiaéreos de la ciudad en época republicana (1936-1939) = Bilbo bonben pean: hiriko babesleku antaereoen analisi espaziala garai errepublikarrean (1936-1937) = Bilbao under the bombs: spatal analysis of the ant-aircraf shelters during the Republican period (1936-1937)
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Bilbao is one of the many cites in the state where there are stll many traces, both physical and emotonal, of the Spanish Civil War. The large number of air raid shelters that remain in its subsoil would be a sample of this. Thus, the main objectves of this paper will be the localizaton and the spatal analysis of the Bilbao shelters from the republican period (1936-1937) both in a global context and in a more specifc way: district by district. For this aim, it will be necessary to the use historical documentaton, oral memory and cartography Bilbao, Arqueología contemporánea, Guerra Civil, QGIS, Multdisciplinariedad