Una aproximación teórica a la evolución de los entornos 3D hacia la realidad extendida como medio y a los motores de juego como elementos de prototipado y configuración

Rubio-Tamayo, José Luis
Gertrudix Barrio, Manuel
Text Complet
In recent years, there has been an unprecedented evolution of information and communication technologies. Technologies to produce interactive content in the field of extended reality are no exception, and there are numerous possibilities for generating immersive experiences with a high degree of interactivity. From a theoretical approach, the article analyzes the role of game engines as tools for the conceptualization of experiences in the field of extended reality, considering their characteristics, and proposing an improvement of the user experience and the immediate possibilities offered by these technologies. To this end, a review of the theoretical approaches of reference authors in game engine research is carried out, compared with the evolution of 3D creation tools and their uses, and the impact and influence on the development of content in the field of extended reality, particularly virtual reality, and the metaverse is projected. The conclusions show the opportunity that this type of tools currently represent in the creation of digital content, and their indispensable role in the generation of experiences within the category of extended reality ​
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