El tribunal del jurado como instrumento de participación ciudadana en el sistema penal
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This thesis represents a first step in the study of the Spanish Jury as a participatory and deliberative institution that has the capacity to democratize punishment. While the first chapter analyses the debate about the role of the Jury as an instrument for the democratization of Justice, the second chapter presents the main criticisms and benefits that this institution reports. In the third chapter we analyse the legal configuration of this institution in Spain, taking into account the theoretical basis presented above. Finally, through qualitative presented in chapter four, research this study approaches, on the one hand, the reality of this institution and, on the other hand, the views of the main actors involved in it: Judges, Prosecutors, Judicial Administration Counselors and jurors.
This work shows the lack of resources and recognition, both institutional and social, of the Jury in Spain, and the negative consequences that this has over the institution itself, as well as on the perception that jurors and other legal operators have of the Jury.
Furthermore, we found that the collective efforts of the different legal operators involved in Jury processes leads this institution to the fulfilment of its function as a meeting point for the dialogue between citizens and professionals. Nevertheless, while it’s accepted that citizens are qualified to exercise the functions of the Jury, some legal operators question whether citizens should be given this responsibility
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