Las prestaciones económicas sobre la gestión de residuos

This study analyses some of the tax measures introduced by recent Law 7/2022 of 8 April on waste and contaminated land for a circular economy, which aims to establish the principles of the circular economy through basic legislation on waste, as well as to contribute to the fight against climate change. To ensure this objective, the law not only introduces a penalty system, but also a series of fiscal instruments to encourage the circular economy. These include establishing a special tax on non-reusable plastic packaging and introducing a tax on the depositing of waste in landfills, and on the incineration and coincineration of waste. The central aim of this paper is to indicate that local authorities should create a tax or, where appropriate, a non-tax public payment aimed at covering the costs related to the management of municipal waste, in accordance with the 'polluter pays' principle. For this purpose, we analyse the current configuration of municipal waste collection charges and look at how nontax public payments are characterised, as well as their legal history, in order to determine their appropriateness and suitability with regard to the legal nature of the economic benefits derived from the municipal waste collection service ​
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