Development of an environmental decision support system to enhance coagulation in drinking water treatment plants

Currently, the access to safe drinking water remains to be crucial for mankind development. Due to the geographical context, changes in demography and climate change perspectives, there are regions where water resources are being altered in terms of quantity and quality, compromising future generations availability. Within this context, drinking water treatment plants (DWTPs) are aimed to remove water pollutants through several processes to produce safe drinking water. For DWTPs, one of the main challenges is natural organic matter (NOM), a group of organic compounds which has the capacity to react during the water treatment to generate disinfection by-products (DBPs). Inside the drinking water treatment train, coagulation is a conventional physicochemical treatment presenting high potential in terms of NOM removal. From here, the optimisation of coagulation for NOM removal at full-scale level can be achieved based on water quality. DWTPs digitalisation is increasing, providing a number of online measurements which allow to control NOM from the catchment to the final produced waters, including coagulation step. The main objective of this thesis is the development of enhanced coagulation environmental decision support systems (EDSS) aimed to optimise coagulation for NOM removal at three surface water DWTPs located in the Mediterranean region ​
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