Cambios en la práctica formativa del profesorado a partir de una formación continua en la modalidad de educación a distancia

Fauth, Fernanda
This doctoral thesis is the result of an educational research that stems from an interest in analysing the learning transfer process of an online technopedagogical teacher training offered by a higher education institution. This study, presented in the format of a compendium of articles, allows us to expand on the results of other research works on the transfer process, however, more focused on this more novel context of research in the field of virtual lifelong learning focused on digital competences of teachers. Through a theoretical review article, the theoretical framework of the research is presented based on a review of the literature on the concept, dimensions and factors of the transfer of learning process in a general context. For the methodological approach, a qualitative study is carried out based on the content analysis procedure, using categories derived from theory and previous research. The data was collected through the analysis of two training activities carried out during the training and an interview, considering the self-perception of the participants, addressing aspects related to the design of the course, the personal characteristics, and the work environment of the subjects, the three categories of factors that condition the transfer. The results of the research are presented through each of the three items of the empirical framework, each one referring to one of these three categories, which indicate the factors that most influence the transfer process within the investigated context. From the final discussion we also present the relationships established between these factors and some guidelines on how to enhance these factors for a better approach to the process of transfer of learning within online lifelong learning and more specifically on the digital competences of teachers ​
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