Utopies de Cristall : La il·lusió arquitectònica de les ciutats utòpiques = Crystal Utopias : The architectural illusion of utopian cities
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Bruno Taut's crystalline utopia is related to other utopias, creating links between them through architecture. The origin of utopias is investigated by Thomas More in order to understand the future interpretations of these utopias, which architects imagine and propose over the years. The specific case of Bruno Taut and his utopias "Alpine Architecture" (1917) and "The City Crown" (1919) is studied in order to discuss the concepts and relationships between geometry, hierarchy, nature and the city. The organisation and structure of Taut's utopian theory of cities is explained, in order not only to explain his idea, but also to interpret it through reinterpretations of his illustrations. By means of a collage to adapt them to each other, creating relationships between utopias and current architecture of the 21st century. To discuss why utopia is revalued in our current context in the 21st century.