Qualitat de vida i ansietat percebudes en persones en situació de fracàs del trasplantament renal: projecte de recerca
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Kidney disease has become an increasingly common and prevalent condition in
the population as a result of increased life expectancy. This has led to a gradual
increase in the percentage of this population being treated. There are two main
modalities: the replacement method (dialysis) or transplantation. In recent years,
the method most praised and valued for its favorable results, both physiologically
and psychologically, has been transplantation. However, rejection or failure of the
transplanted organ is one of the most feared complications with an overall
incidence of 5% to 10%, when the person is again in a critical situation and where
the perception of its quality of life along with their anxiety levels can be altered.
Assess the quality of life and anxiety level of people with kidney transplantation
in who have dealt with failed organ transplant