La humanització de les cures infermeres en una unitat de cures intensives: revisió bibliogràfica
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Background: The dehumanization of care in Intensive Care Unit (ICU) is a reality.
Scientific and technological advances in health have increased the survival of
these units, but, at the same time, it has led to an increase in dehumanization by
prioritizing the technical aspect of the human being, due to the critical health
status that people admitted to the ICU may present or demonstrate.
Objective: To know, based on scientific evidence, the impact of the
humanization of nursing care on person admitted, family and health professionals
in the Intensive Care Unit.
Methods: The methodology has been a bibliographic review, a systematic
compilation of the most recent information published in the last 5 years, following
the methodology proposed by the PRISMA protocol. An online search has been
made in the following databases: Medline Pubmed, Cochrane Library, Biomed
Central (BMC), Web of science and the metasearch Trip Data Base.
Results: Finally, it has been selected a total of 14 articles. It has been divided
according to the perception of the person, the vision of the family and the
perception of health professionals