Dans l'ombre du démarrage industriel: les manufactures des maisons de charité. L'Hospice de Gérone et la bonneterie de coton en Catalogne (1750-1830)

Mutos Xicola, Céline
The charity institutions of the early modern Europe have not traditionally been seen as spaces with an economic, and particularly manufacturing, dimension. Although they housed a variety of craft workshops with the aim of training inmates, their study has been often neglected. J. Soubeyroux pointed out that the work done in these institutions was not very truly profitable, J.P. Gutton indicated a production of low quality. This thesis aims to discuss these assertions, going beyond the accounting results to raise other questions. It aims to discuss if charity institutions were in on themselves or, on the contrary, they were well- integrated in their economic environment. Likewise, we would like to analyze if they played a crucial role in the take-off process of the preindustrial period, for example through human capital formation or becoming testing grounds for new industries. This work combines the global perspective of charity institutions in Spain with a microanalytical approach through the study of a specific establishment in Girona, and a particular industry, the cotton hosiery. The choice of this textile industry, which has been carefully considered, responds, on the one hand, to the desire to fill the lack of studies in this sector and, on the other hand, to focus on an activity that took place in the analyzed institution. Several aspects will be highlighted. At the level of the Spanish territory, we would like to examine which agents were involved in the setting up of the manufactories in the establishments and what their scope was. On the other hand, the cotton hosiery sector will be studied from a broad perspective, from its origin in England at the end of the 16th century to its arrival in Catalonia in the 18th century, focusing on the different stages like the Spanish protectionist policy and the migratory phenomenon. Special emphasis will be placed on the process of technology transfer between countries. From this global framework, and searching the perspective of a comparative method, based on a comparative analysis, the charity institutions of Girona will be placed in the midpoint of our reflection, at the heart of our thinking in order to verify our initial hypotheses. The workhouse factories will be observed from different points of view: paid and unpaid workers, wages, connectivity with the social and economic environment and markets. In the last chapter, the focal point focus will be on hosiery. Finally, we will scrutinize the transformations that took place around this activity in order to highlight elements of continuity. ​
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