Complicaciones relacionadas con el aumento de pecho con prótesis de silicona: revisión bibliográfica
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Background: Breast augmentation with silicone prostheses is a surgery that is
being requested more each day that passes. However, like all plastic surgeries,
it includes complications. It is of greater relevance to make public the adverse
effects that may occur, the early detection of the initial symptoms and the
subsequent follow-up to thus contribute to the improvement of the care of the
people who need it.
Objectives: This study aims to know the most frequent hardships associated
with augmentation mammaplasty with prostheses, to identify nursing
interventions to prevent and/or treat them and to explore its educational actions.
Methods: For this, a bibliographic review of the evidence in the Dialnet Plus,
CINAHL, PubMed Medline and Scopus (Elsevier) databases has been
executed. The research is limited between the years 2012-2022 and has been
carried out during the months of February to May 2022. In total, 21 articles have
been included in the review following the criteria of this project.
Results: In total, 21 articles have been included in this report.
Conclusions: In conclusion, you can find listed in the problems that can occur,
the nursing interventions to prevent and/or treat them and the health actions
that should be provided