Violència obstètrica percebuda i risc de depressió postpart: projecte de recerca

Martos Ramió, Sandra
INTRODUCTION: Obstetric violence (OV) is a term that is currently under constant debate and growth within society, but also within the healthcare community itself. It includes all practices that violate women's rights during the peripartum period. The existing literature on these practices is scarce and the lack of measuring instruments makes the quantification of this type of violence complicated. This fact leads to an estimated prevalence of between 15 and 91% at world level, and up to 35-40% in Spain. Multiple studies talk about the consequences of this violence, relating it, specially, to maternal mental health. There are multiple mental disorders developed during peripartum, but one of the most common, affecting 10-20% of women, is postpartum depression (PPD). The relationship between OV and PPD remains unclear, since it is an association that has been little explored in the scientific literature. The present research project aims to determine the relationship between women's perceived OV during peripartum and the risk of developing PPD ​
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