Bienestar subjetivo en niños, niñas y adolescentes que participan en programas públicos después de clases en Chile

Ditzel, Ana Loreto
This doctoral thesis aims to explore different aspects of the subjective well-being of children living in conditions of social vulnerability and participating in after-school programs in Chile. To this end, an investigation was carried out based on data collected from a sample of 1033 Chilean children (49.1% girls) between 9 and 14 years old, who live in socioeconomic conditions of poverty, of which 568 children participated in a public after-school program and 465 did not participate. The research focused on analyzing different aspects of their subjective well-being. To assess this well-being, different psychometric scales were administered, both those called "context-free", incorporating affective components (positive and negative affects) and cognitive (satisfaction with life in general), as well as those based on domains, that is, that explored satisfaction with different life domains, including the use of free time. The scales used here have been previously tested in international studies and validated in Chile. The research resulted in two studies, which have already been published in journals of international impact and which are part of this thesis by compendium of publications. Study 1 evaluated the subjective well-being of the entire sample and also analyzed the results according to the gender of the children. Using the maximum likelihood method, a model of structural equations was tested in which the extent to which these components of well-being were related to a second-order latent variable was evaluated, observing a good fit of the model. Study 2 assessed the subjective well-being of children who participate and do not participate in after-school programs and also evaluated satisfaction with the use of time in general and with the use of free time, considering the variables age and gender. ​
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