Estudi de viabilitat d’una instal·lació fotovoltaica a l’Escola Politècnica de la Universitat de Girona
In recent years, there has been a constant growth in generating facilities
of renewable energy, specifically a great development of facilities is observed
photovoltaics for self-consumption both in the domestic and industrial spheres. This fact is given by
the administrative facilities obtained in the publication of article RD244/2019 and the
decrease in the price of the components due to the diversification of the market. Apart from these
changes, currently there is an increase in the price of energy which increases the
need to reduce energy dependence. Considering this increase in
photovoltaic installations, the present study analyzes the feasibility, both technical and
economic, of the implementation of a photovoltaic installation on the different roofs of
the Polytechnic School of the University of Girona
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