Una mirada jurídica sobre la efectividad de las políticas públicas = A Legal Overview of the Effectiveness of Public Policies

This paper presents a relationship between the efficacy of legal norms and the effectiveness of public policies. Studies on public policies have omitted the important link between the results of public policies and the efficacy of the legal norms that compose and implement them. This article argues that this is an oversight, since the efficacy of legal norms is, to a large extent, a determining factor in the effectiveness of public policies. An analysis of the efficacy in different degrees is then proposed and a link between efficacy and effectiveness is made, analyzing four possible cases of the relationship between these two phenomena. Finally, the article analyzes the link between the "use" of one of the options conferred to the inhabitants and the success of the public policy when the norm that implements the public policy is not prescriptive but a rule that confers rights, powers, faculties (which are jointly referred to as anti-directives) ​
​Tots els drets reservats. Reproduït amb permís dels directors del Comitè editorial de la revista "Diritto e questioni pubbliche"