Online breast-feeding support groups as a community asset in Lebanon after Beirut explosion

Objective: Breast-feeding rates are unsatisfactory in Lebanon. Social media groups could play an important role in promoting breast-feeding in normal conditions and post crisis. The aim of this study is to identify breast-feeding challenges, facilitators and assets and to describe how community assets via social media could build community resilience to pandemic’s and disaster’s effects. Design: A two-phase qualitative content analysis was performed on posts and comments collected from a Facebook breast-feeding support group. Data were categorised into themes, categories and subcategories. Setting: Posts and comments retrieved from a Facebook breast-feeding support group in Lebanon during the month of August 2020. Participants: Group members: mothers who breastfed, breast-feeding mothers and group admins that are lactation consultants. Results: In phase one, breast-feeding ‘Challenges’ identified were lack of support from peers and family, lack of supportive policies, lack of knowledge and maternal stress related to political instability, COVID-19 and economic crisis. ‘Assets and facilitators’ included community support and donations. In phase two, analysis revealed how assets were being used on social media platform to build community resilience post crisis, through access to social support in challenging times, community engagement, material resources and transformative potential. Conclusion: Challenges faced during breast-feeding were diminished due to the support and assets received on a Facebook breast-feeding support group, and social media has been shown to be an important community asset implicated in empowering women to breastfeed and to build community resilience in moments of crisis ​
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