La voz del catalanismo femenino porteño durante la primera década del franquismo. Gràcia Bassa de Llorens en la revista Ressorgiment. 1939-1949
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The Spanish Civil War promoted the commitment of Spanish emigrant men and
women in America who, with the arrival of Francisco Franco to power, supported the
anti-Francoism of the Republican exile. In this article we will focus on the intellectual
production of the Catalan journalist Gràcia Bassa de Llorens between 1939 and 1949.
Based in Argentina since the beginning of the XXth century, she collaborated with
the magazine Ressorgiment in Buenos Aires from 1917, and was the most consistent
female voice of Argentinean Catalanism. For this reason, we will establish her position towards Franco’s dictatorship. We will determine the integration of her texts in
the editorial line of Ressorgiment and with the thought of the republican diaspora. We
will examine the changes and continuities in the lines of his articles after the arrival
of Franco’s regime, in order to analyse his perception of Catalan nationalism and the
peninsular situation in the context of dictatorship