Los beneficios de la actividad física en el manejo del dolor en fibromialgia: revisión bibliográfica

Arsenii, Krystyna
Background: Fibromyalgia is a chronic disease that affects more and more people and it requires a high healthcare demand. It is characterized by the presence of chronic and widespread pain accompanied by other symptoms that significantly affect the quality of life of the person in all areas and involves a huge economic cost. There is also no clear consensus on the medical diagnosis of the disease and its pharmacological treatment. A multidimensional approach is required, a pharmacological treatment along with behavioral therapy, exercise and patient education. Objectives: The aim of this work is to know the benefits of the physical activity in the management of pain in fibromyalgia and other symptoms, as well as to know what is the most appropriate exercise and the role of nursing staff in the management of the disease from the primary care. Methodology: A bibliographic review was carried out by looking for articles published in the last 5 years. The articles were published during the period 2017-2022 in the following databases: PubMed, SciElo, Cochrane Library and Science Direct. Outcomes: 17 articles have been included that relate physical exercise and pain in Fibromyalgia. Among them there are 5 systematic reviews, 4 randomized controlled trials, 4 randomized clinical trials, 2 uncontrolled clinical trials, a narrative review and a bibliographic review. In twelve of the studies reviewed there were favorable outcomes as a result of exercise, however in five no statistically significant changes in pain were found. Conclusions: The results confirm that physical activity practiced on a regular basis allows pain to be reduced. Mixed exercise, that is, the combination of aerobic and strength exercise, is the most recommended. However, aquatic therapy, in addition to reducing symptoms, allows to avoid pain during and after training. Among the other benefits of physical activity in fibromyalgia, there is improvement in quality of life and quality of sleep, reduction of fatigue, stiffness and depressive symptoms among others. However, before starting treatment, an initial evaluation must be carried out and the training individualized according to the person's physical capacity and preferences, in order to promote motivation and adherence ​
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