Protectores ambientales de estrés laboral hospitalario
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In this study the development of the ENPROS instrument (Environmental Safeguards against hospital work Stress) is reported. It measures environmental safeguards from hospital work stress. ENPROS is a 45-item instrument consisting of five elements: Organization, Job assignments, Head management, Physical Environment and Teamwork-Psychosocial Environment. An evaluation of the protective factors is not only relevant in that it promotes health, from a perspective based on health personnel participation in their own internal dynamics, but also because it provides a paradigm shift as to health care concepts, shifting the focus from risk factors to a protective factors´ perspective. The specific objective of this study was to assess the validity and reliability of the ENPROS measurement instrument in health personnel from public and private hospitals in the Araucanía Region in Chile. The study consisted of two phases: The first phase involved participants from the years 2007-2009, and the second involved participants from the years 2016-2017. During the first phase, the ENPROS instrument was applied in a sample of n = 444 medical and nursing health professionals (mean age 38.2 years; SD = 11.1; 74.5% women) demographic variables were also recorded (age, sex) as well as employment (type of hospital: Public or private and work seniority). Confirmatory factor analysis was used, and instrument invariance was evaluated in subsamples, defined by demographic and employment variables. According to the results obtained, the instrument was remodeled by eliminating three items resulting in the ENPROS 2, which consists of 5 elements and 42 items with acceptable goodness of fit model indices. In the second phase of the study, the ENPROS 2 instrument was validated in another sample of n = 276 medical and nursing health professionals (mean age 35.02 years; SD = 10.5; 62% women) and identical variables were recorded, with goodness of fit parameters that were also acceptable. Based on these results, the instrument was redesigned, resulting in the ENPROS 3, with 40 items and 5 elements. This study provides practical evidence that supports the validation of the hospital stress environmental protectors instrument, and emphasizes which protectors are deemed to be the most important by the health care workers themselves, who work in hospitals in the Araucanía Region in Chile.
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