Surgical treatment versus conservative treatment for ACL rupture on female gymnasts: a study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
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BACKGROUND: An ACL injury is one of the most common and devastating sports
injuries, and the incidence points to be much higher in females than in male
counterparts. The incidence points to 2-8 times more likely to occur on female
subjects . This study aimed to compare the effectiveness of a Surgical treatment of
an Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) rupture compared with a Non-surgical
treatment to evaluate the function level of the knee in order to reduce the time taken
to Return to Play and the continuity of the sportive practice in female gymnasts in the
long term.
METHODS: This study is a study protocol for a Randomised Controlled Trial, with
repeated assessment at the beginning and end of the treatment posterior to the
injury and a minimum of 5 years follow up of sporting activity. The inclusion criteria
for the participants will be female athletes from different sport centers in Barcelona
that suffered an ACL rupture, age from 14-19 due then during this period the risk
seems to be at its peak with a level III of ACL injury. The treatment will be divided
into “Control Group” (Surgical treatment of ACL rupture + Physical Therapy) and
“Treatment Group” (Physical Therapy or Non-surgical treatment of ACL rupture). The
outcomes will be measured with the International Knee Documentation Committee
(IKDC) questionnaire and the Anterior Cruciate Ligament Return to Sport After Injury
(ACL - RSI) to measure functionality and stability of the joint and the time that takes
to reach this maximum level.
DISCUSSION: It is expected to find higher levels of function on the Treatment Group
with the Conservative treatment in order to achieve a decreased time to return to
play, compared to the Control group that will follow a Surgical treatment + Physical
Therapy. It is also expected to find that the Treatment group will have a greater
percentage of individuals that keep practicing the sport in the long term