A quick solvation energy estimator based on electronegativity equalization

ESE-EE (Easy Solvation Estimation with Electronegativity equalization) is a quick method for estimation of solvation-free energies ΔGºsolv, which uses a thoroughly fitted electronegativity equalization (EE) scheme to obtain atomic charges, which are further employed in a scaled noniterative COSMO-like calculation to evaluate the electrostatic component of ΔGºsolv. Nonelectrostatic corrections including adjustable parameters are also added. For neutral solutes, ESE-EE yields a mean absolute error (MAE) in ΔGsolv° of 1.5 kcal/mol for aqueous solutions; 1.0 kcal/mol for nonaqueous polar protic solvents; 0.9 kcal/mol for polar aprotic solvents; and about 0.6 kcal/mol for nonpolar solvents. Since ESE-EE only requires a molecular geometry as input for a ΔGºsolv prediction, it can be utilized for a rapid screening of ΔGºsolvfor large neutral molecules. However, for ionic solutes, ESE-EE yields larger errors (typically several kcal/mol) and is recommendable for preliminary estimations only. Upon a special refitting, ESE-EE is able to yield partition coefficients with a good accuracy ​
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