Introducing online continuing education in radiology for general practitioners
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The aim of this study was to determine whether e-learning as a new teaching methodology was acceptable for general practitioners in continuous education courses of radiology. Generally, these courses are face-to-face with the corresponding time and place limitations. To overcome these limitations, we transformed one of these courses to an online one evaluating its acceptance. The course was about thorax radiology and it was delivered to 249 participants. The experiment was carried out in two phases: Phase 1, as a pilot testing with 12 general practitioners (G1), and Phase 2, with 149 general practitioners (G2), 12 radiologists (G3) and 76 medical residents (G4). All participants evaluated the course design, the delivering e-learning platform, and the course contents using a five-point Likert scale (satisfaction level from 1 to 5). Collected data was analysed using t, Mann-Whitney U and Kruskal-Wallis tests. In Phase 1, the rounded scores of all questions except one surpassed 3.5. In Phase 2, all the rounded scores surpassed 4.0 indicating that a total agreement on all items was achieved. All collected impressions indicate the high acceptance of the proposed methodology
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