The use of implantable cardioverter defibrillators in pediatrics
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BACKGROUND: Up to 1 in 2000 children suffer a cardiac genetic disease, the main
indication to use an implantable cardioverter defibrillation. There is a wide spectrum of
clinical presentation: from asymptomatic to sudden cardiac death as first manifestation
of the disease. Implantable cardiac defibrillator (ICD) is one of the tools to preventsudden
cardiac death.
HYPOTHESIS AND OBJECTIVES: The hypothesis is that ICD is a useful tool for
pediatric patients affected by a cardiac genetic disease. The aim of this project was to
analyze demographic data and clinical characteristics of the patients and describe the
usefulness of ICD.
METHODS: A descriptive, cross-sectional, observational, and retrospective study was
designed to study the pediatric population carrying and ICD in a pediatric referral center.
RESULTS: A total of 79 pediatric patients carrying ICD were analyzed; 37.7% had
channelopathies and 55.8% had a cardiomyopathy. In 48.1% the ICD was implanted as
secondary prevention. In 59.6% patients, there was a family history an inherited cardiac
disease prior to the implant. In 63.16%, the patient was the index case. Taking into
consideration the etiology, there were no differences concerning gender and age. When
considering indication, secondary prevention was statistically significant more frequent
in older children. Finally, 20 patients had potentially lethal arrhythmias that were
correctly detected and treated by the ICD.
CONCLUSIONS: our results show that ICD seems to be a useful tool for malign
arrhythmias treatment in pediatric patients with cardiac genetic disease, both in primary
or secondary prevention