La "Història moral de Cathalunya" de Pere Gil (1550-1622) i la historiografia catalana de l’època moderna

Galdeano Carretero, Rodolfo
The thesis is the edition of the manuscript 112 of the Episcopal Public Library that contains Història moral de Cathalunya written by Pere Gil, a jesuit from Reus. This is the second book of a larger project, Història cathalana composed of a geography of the Principality of Catalonia (Llibre primer de la història cathalana en lo qual se tracta d‘història o descripció natural, ço és, de coses naturals de Catalunya), unpublished until 1949 when Josep Iglesias published it. Història eclesiàstica de Cathalunya, the third book - now lost; and Vida dels sants de Cathalunya, fourth book. The edition is accompanied by an introductory essay that includes a biography of the author and a second part that deals with the context of the work within the Catalan historiography of modern times ​
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