Biomarcadors pronòstics de ressonància magnètica en pacients amb glioblastoma de diagnòstic recent
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Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is essential in the management of patients with glioblastoma, providing useful information for diagnosis, prognosis, and therapeutic planning. Although some presurgical and postsurgical prognostic MRI biomarkers have been identified, there is scant evidence about the usefulness of MRI biomarkers in predicting progression-free and/or overall survival in patients with newly diagnosed glioblastoma. Despite constant progress in therapy and refinements in tumor characterization by diagnostic imaging and molecular techniques, the prognosis for glioblastoma remains bleak. Thus, tools to improve personalized treatment approaches are welcome.
The conclusions of this study are as following: 1) We identified a panel of qualitative and quantitative MRI biomarkers to predict progression-free and overall survival in patients with newly diagnosed glioblastoma before surgery; 2) Standard therapy was the best independent predictor of progression-free and overall survival; 3) Adding qualitative MRI biomarkers, such as ependymal invasion and eloquent cortical involvement, to standard therapy increased the accuracy of survival predictions; 4) Adding quantitative MRI biomarkers, such as tumor volume and rCBVCEL and rCBFCEL, to standard therapy increased the accuracy of survival predictions and 5) The models that best predicted survival combined treatment variables and qualitative and quantitative MRI biomarkers
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