Collection of good practices: to combat violence against LGBT and gender non-conforming children

This report offers a selection of 60 good practices to address violence against LGBT+ children in five areas: Education, Health, Public Space, Family and Media. To achieve one of the main goals set in the project, that is, to map good practices regarding attention in the intersection between gender, sexuality and childhood in 5 key spheres: school, health, family, public spaces and media, the partners of the project have conducted national research in nine European countries in order to identify the good practices for dealing with violence towards LGBT+ children. The involved countries in this project are Belgium, Croatia, Greece, Hungary, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia and Spain, all of them offering different social and cultural contexts with regards to LGTB+ issues. The selection includes good practices from different types of organizations: national public bodies, regional and local public bodies, NGOs, Social Movements and professionals in different spheres of life. This document offers practical suggestions on how to improve the competences of public authorities, NGOs, professionals and decision markers when facing the different forms of violence experienced by LGBTI+ children in five spheres of their lives, as well as to support LGBTI+ children and promote diversity as a positive value in our society. Each one of the selected good practices provides information about the county of implementation, Organization, the scope of the policy, topics, major absences and policy texts. Some of the selected practices are not specially addressed to LGTBTI+ children, but they support the diversity of gender and sexuality in childhood and contribute to prevent or combat violence against LGBTI+ children. Somme good practices presented in this document cover several areas, but we have reported them in the main area they cover ​
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