Guidelines for Facilitators Workshop with Childrenon LGBTI+ and gender diversity: a participatory approach to prevent gender-based violence and promote a diversity welcoming environment

Montenegro, Marisela
Pujol Tarrés, Joan
San Román, Beatriz
The traditional division of children into boys and girls –as the idea that heterosexual relationships are the “normal” ones– is still deeply ingrained into our society. The majority of children and young people self- identify into these two groups, which can lead to the marginalization of those who do not or are perceived not to. In fact, while schools should be a safe space for all, research repeatedly shows that LGBTI+ children and young people still face bullying at school because of who they are or how they are. On the other hand, it is crucial for all children and young people to learn and reflect on the full diversity of the world they live in. The main message is in line with human rights perspective: no one should be treated differently because of who they are or are perceived to be. Education helps children and adults alike to avoid confusing gender identity with sexuality. The LGBTI+ label groups together people with non-straight sexual identities (lesbian, gay and bisexual), people who do not conform to their assigned gender and intersex people. The “+” is used to include other sexual and gender identities and expressions that go beyond the categories L, G, B, T and I. This workshop has been developed with the aim of sensitizing and making children reflect on the diversity of gender identity, gender expression, sexual characteristics, and sexual orientation, promoting an atmosphere of acceptance and respect within any spaces where children and young people socialize. Although the goal is to challenge prejudices, it has been designed to ensure no one is made an example of or otherwise made to feel uncomfortable. The workshop also aims to evaluate children’s perceptions, discourses, social representations, and practices towards LGTBI and gender non-conforming people ​
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