Disseny i desenvolupament d’un videojoc d’aventures i gestió de recursos
In recent years, due to the increased availability and accessibility of technological equipment, the popularity of digital entertainment-related content has grown exponentially. exponentially. One of the markets that has received the most stimulus in the last 10 years is that of video games, reaching a staggering $174.9 billion turnover in 2020, an increase of 20% compared to 2019. The digital world in which we live nowadays moves through trends followed by the great influence of some public figures and that the players themselves decide to promote through social networks or the famous word of mouth. Therefore, we can find that over time, some genres have seen an increase in popularity, and we can find several options on the market with very similar mechanics. Personally, we find that these trends are born out of innovative projects that bet on creating new experiences and that are able to gather everything that an average gamer expects. That is why we are committed to the creation of a product that is born from our own needs as gamers and that, in our view, brings together everything that the market currently needs.