Carborane compounds as efficient light-driven in oxidation catalysis
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This thesis studies the behavior of different metallacarboranes such as Na[Co(C2B9H11)2] Na[1] and their chlorinated derivatives, Na[3,3’-Co(8-Cl-1,2-C2B9H10)2] Na[Cl2-1] i Na[3,3’-Co(8,9,12-Cl3-1,2-C2B9H8)2] Na[Cl6-1], as photoredox catalysts in the oxidation of different alcohols and alkenes in aqueous media, which take place through single-electron transfer (SET) processes. In the major part of the catalytic experiments, high yield and selectivity values (>99%) have been obtained, even reducing the catalyst load. These results have been possible thanks to the high solubility of the catalysts in water, their high oxidizing power of the CoIV/III redox couple, their lack of fluorescence on excitation, and the surfactant behavior of the catalyst. Additionally, the metallacarboranes were easily recovered by precipitation on addition of [NMe4]Cl. Based on the results obtained, a mechanism for the photoredox catalytic procedure was proposed
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