Genomic Hatchery Introgression in Brown Trout (Salmo trutta L.): Development of a Diagnostic SNP Panel for Monitoring the Impacted Mediterranean Rivers

Brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) populations have been restocked during recent decades to satisfy angling demand and counterbalance the decline of wild populations. Millions of fertile brown trout individuals were released into Mediterranean and Atlantic rivers from hatcheries with homogeneous central European stocks. Consequently, many native gene pools have become endangered by introgressive hybridization with those hatchery stocks. Different genetic tools have been used to identify and evaluate the degree of introgression starting from pure native and restocking reference populations (e.g., LDH-C* locus, microsatellites). However, due to the high genetic structuring of brown trout, the definition of the "native pool" is hard to achieve. Additionally, although the LDH-C* locus is useful for determining the introgression degree at the population level, its consistency at individual level is far from being accurate, especially after several generations were since releases. Accordingly, the development of a more powerful and cost-effective tool is essential for an appropriate monitoring to recover brown-trout-native gene pools. Here, we used the 2b restriction site-associated DNA sequencing (2b-RADseq) and Stacks 2 with a reference genome to identify single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) diagnostic for hatchery-native fish discrimination in the Atlantic and Mediterranean drainages of the Iberian Peninsula. A final set of 20 SNPs was validated in a MassARRAY® System genotyping by contrasting data with the whole SNP dataset using samples with different degree of introgression from those previously recorded. Heterogeneous introgression impact was confirmed among and within river basins, and was the highest in the Mediterranean Slope. The SNP tool reported here should be assessed in a broader sample scenario in Southern Europe considering its potential for monitoring recovery plans ​
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