Impacte clínic del càlcul de la dosi absorbida en radioteràpia externa mitjançant un nou algorisme basat en la solució de l'equació de Boltzmann
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The algorithm for calculating absorbed dose in external radiotherapy Acuros XB (AXB), based on the solution of the Boltzmann equation, has shown to achieve a higher level of accuracy than the preceding convolution/superposition algorithm AAA, especially in volumetric-modulated arc therapy (VMAT) in head and neck (H&N) patients or lung stereotactic radiation therapy (SBRT).
Adopting AXB in clinical practice requires a detailed study of the differences in the calculation of doses with respect to AAA. This study assesses the dosimetric impact of switching from AAA to AXB, reporting dose-to-medium and dose-to-water, in 110 H&N VMAT and 54 lung SBRT patients, determines whether planning-target-volume dose prescriptions and organ-at-risk constraints should be modified, and, for the H&N cohort, establishes the relationship between maximum doses to the mandible and osteoradionecrosis (ORN) incidence for the two algorithms and reporting modes.
We obtain that differences between AXB and AAA are below the threshold of clinical detectability, except for structures that include bone, such as the mandible in H&N VMAT and the ribs in lung SBRT. On the other hand, we obtain that AXB reporting dose-to-water can be the best combination to predict ORN of the mandible.
The results of this research may facilitate decision-making when switching to the AXB algorithm in clinical practice and provide tools to facilitate studies about the clinical impact of its differences with respect to AAA at a multicentric level
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