Desenvolupament i beneficis per a la salut d'una aplicació mòbil basada en els problemes pediàtrics no urgents

Perruca Martínez, Cristina
The lack of knowledge and skills in the care of infants in their first years of life often results in frequent paediatric consultations for banal problems and doubts, which are often a result of a low level of health literacy on the part of the parents and carers within the family. Health education and the use of digital tools can help increase this knowledge and clarify doubts in moments of concern. The objective of this study has been to study the effects of a newly-created app for mobile devices based on non-severe paediatric problems to improve the knowledge of parents with regard to the health and care of infants. This study was undertaken in three phases: in first place, a pilot study was conducted on the levels of health literacy in the population of the study area. After this, a new app, “T’ajudem en la cura” (literally “We Help You with Care”), was developed with the participation of a group of experts and parents. Finally, to study the effects of the app, two groups of parents at two primary care centres were compared. One group received standard healthcare whereas the second group additionally used the new app ​
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