Miradas cruzadas sobre el paisaje de Túnez y Cartago, a través de textos de viajeros árabes y europeos (del siglo X al siglo XIX)

Laroui, Nawel
The cities of Tunis and Carthage belong to the same geographical area, although they have developed in two different eras. In a way, Tunis has been the heiress of Carthage. Due to its strategic situation in the central Mediterranean, its ancient history and its cultural and economic appeal, this place has been an important stopover for travellers who have visited it throughout history. However, these travelers have not interpreted their landscape in the same way, have not seen exactly the same, nor have they been interested in the same things. In order to understand these differences, ten authors have been selected who, grouped by their origin - Arabic or Western -, describe in their texts different facets of this landscape. Two crossed perspectives, two ways of approaching the same place, full of evocations of all kinds. This comparative analysis also allows us to influence in other aspects of vital importance, such as the notion of the landscape itself, different in one fact and another. ​
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