Predicción de la fatiga de disipadores de energía elastoplásticos para estructuras sismorresistentes
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Elastoplastic energy dissipators are used in earthquake-resistant design in order to dissipate a substantial part of the seismic energy acting on a building. They are elements that are not part of the load-bearing structure and, therefore, are easily replaceable in case of damage. Their behaviour is usually stable and their degree of degradation difficult to appreciate visually. To assess their degree of degradation, damage indices are used which estimate their remaining dissipative capacity through the combination of a number of variables such as, for example, the number of cycles sustained and their amplitude, the energy dissipated, accumulated deformation and maximum deformation.
In the first part of this doctoral thesis, the current state-of-the-art in terms of existing damage models is reviewed.
The second part of this thesis brings together a wide experimental foundation based on data obtained in previous research works complemented with new tests carried out within the present thesis. In its third part, the validity of various fatigue models is assessed through the experimental foundation brought together in the second part of this thesis.
In its fourth and final part, the validity of some of the best-known hysteretic models has been analyzed in order to reproduce the experimental response of the dissipators tested.
Notable as the most important contribution of this thesis is the attainment of two models of mixed fatigue and dimensionless variables, which demonstrate excellent validity considering, in the same fatigue curve, dissipators of different types and geometry based on low carbon steel and uniform plastification in uniaxial states of stress
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