How to guarantee food supply during pandemics? Rethinking local food systems from peri-urban strategic agents' behaviour: The case study of the Barcelona Metropolitan Region = ¿Cómo garantizar el suministro de alimentos durante las pandemias? Repensar los sistemas alimentarios locales desde el comportamiento de los actores estratégicos peri-urbanos: El caso de estudio de la Región Metropolitana de Barcelona
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The Covid-19 pandemic has acted as a warning for the world’s current food system, especially in
urban contexts with global food dependence. This article aims to analyse the food system behaviour of
the Barcelona Metropolitan Region (in the northeast of Spain) during the first stage of the pandemic by
deepening the behaviour of different peri-urban agricultural areas in which local food supply is promoted.
Semi-structured interviews to 11 entities and institutions located in the peri-urban area of the BMR based
on its productive and management profile have been carried out from March to May 2020. The results
obtained highlight the socio-economic, environmental, and health perspective of food supply during the
pandemic. Main results show 1) shortcomings in the operation and logistics of the metropolitan food
system; 2) the complicity between the local producer and the urban consumer through new sales and
distribution initiatives, 3) the role of peri-urban agricultural areas for ensuring food supply and land
preservation, and 4) the need to initiate cooperation and mutual aid activities between the different agents
involved in the food system. Furthermore, agents underlined the need for rethinking the agroeconomic
model to strengthening the producer-consumer nexus and promoting local food policy based on food
sustainability, sovereignty, and governance