Evaluación de las propiedades mecánicas y micromecánicas de los materiales compuestos de polipropileno reforzado con fibras residuales provenientes del reciclado de recortes en la industria textil
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Every year, the textile industry generates large amounts of cellulosic waste during the production and fabrication stages. This waste is made up of fibers, with lengths are less than 10 mm that prevent its reintroduction into the manufacturing process of textile products and they end up dumped or incinerated. In this doctoral thesis, polypropylene composite materials reinforced with cellulosic waste from the textile industry have been obtained, in order to give them added value and reduce their environmental impact.
The cellulosic waste that has been used is cotton wool, due to cotton is the natural fiber that is the most used in making clothes. In this process, a greater amount of this waste is generated.
To obtain a polypropylene (PP) composite material reinforced with natural fibers, it is necessary to use a coupling agent to ensure a good interface between them. In addition, from a dyed cellulosic fiber, it has been used to study the effect of dye on the interface of the composite material. During this study, it was found that the organic dyes present in the cotton wool affect the quality of the interface in two ways. On the one hand, dyes increase the affinity between the cotton fibers and the matrix due to the hydrophilic character of the fibers decreases. So, they increases their chemical compatibility with the matrix. On the other hand, dyes limit the effect of coupling agents because they increase the difficulty they have in reacting with the hydroxyl groups present on the surface of the fiber.
The mechanical properties of the different composite materials produced using different amounts of reinforcement and coupling agent (MAPP) have been analyzed here. The results of the tensile tests have shown a remarkable increase of the tensile strength of the matrix. However, compounds formulated with MAPP have shown significantly higher tensile strength than compounds formulated without this coupling agent. In terms of stiffness, a linear evolution has been observed in the values of the Young’s Module of the composites directly proportional to the applied reinforcement content. In contrast, it has been found that the slope of the linear fit equation obtained through the graphical representation mentioned above is lower than that other polypropylene compounds reinforced with natural fibers
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