Fatiga i èxtasi. Cossos, subjectivitats i cinemes als escrits publicats i inèdits de Jean Epstein
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This dissertation studies the thought of filmmaker and essayist Jean Epstein, focusing on the motif of the body and the organism in his writings and incorporating his unpublished work into the object of study. Epstein's written work begins, at the beginning of the 1920s and before the filmographic one, developing a particular physio-psycho-sociological theory about his contemporary world, in which the body has a theoretical importance as an element related to subjectivity and subject to historical changes. This theory influences his first cinematographic thought, of the same decade, and can also be related to the importance of the body in his work not only as an object of reflection but as a literary motive for his writing (importance that can also be traced in his filmography ). The first chapter of the thesis studies in detail Epstein's first thought. The second places this thought in relation to a series of previous or contemporary discourses that allow us to see where some of their ideas come from, as well as understand that it is not an eccentric theory but embedded in traditions and important discourses of the end of the 19th century and in the first decades of the 20th. The third part of the thesis asks what survives from his first thought in Epstein's maturity writings, developed in the late 1940s and early 1950s. A series of displacements occur in the published work, with which the importance of the body is attenuated and loses its centrality. But if the unpublished work is incorporated, both a continuity and survival of the ideas of the 20s can be established, as well as an emergence of aspects present in it but not fully developed, as is the case of sensuality
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