Clustering of Small Territories Based on Axes of Inequality
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In the present paper, we conduct a study before creating an e-cohort for the design of the sample. This e-cohort had to enable the effective representation of the province of Girona to facilitate its study according to the axes of inequality. Methods: The territory under study is divided by municipalities, considering these different axes. The study consists of a comparison of 14 clustering algorithms, together with 3 data sets of municipal information to detect the grouping that was the most consistent. Prior to carrying out the clustering, a variable selection process was performed to discard those that were not useful. The comparison was carried out following two axes: results and graphical representation. Results: The intra-cluster results were also analyzed to observe the coherence of the grouping. Finally, we study the probability of belonging to a cluster, such as the one containing the county capital. Conclusions: This clustering can be the basis for working with a sample that is significant and representative of the territory