Estudi de la qualitat de vida de les persones diagnosticades de disfàgia del Baix Empordà: projecte de recerca

Vendrell Torres, Marina
Introduction: Dysphagia is the loss of coordination, synchronization and/or the effectiveness of some of the stages of swallowing. As a consequence it alters or complicates the mentioned process. The prevalence of people with dysphagia is increasing due to the ageing population. Some studies have shown that dysphagia impacts on the quality of life of that type of population. It produces anxiety, fear, depression, shame and social isolation related to eating. Also, many times disrupt their own safety. Objective: The scope of the study is to identify the quality of life level of those people diagnosticated with dysphagia who live in Baix Empordà. Methodology: That study has an observational, descriptive, transversal, and quantitative design. The study range will be people who have been diagnosticated with dysphagia who live in Baix Empordà. A simple probabilistic sample will be used. Furthermore, the instruments used for the data gathering will be two questionnaires: For the first one a sociodemographic data gathering and for the second one the Swallowing Quality of Life questionnaire (SWAL- QOL). Data analytics and data entering will be carried by Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) ​
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