L'eficàcia de les cures centrades en el desenvolupament en el recent nascut prematur: revisió bibliogràfica

Torrents Robles, Mireia
Introduction: Neonatal prematurity is considered the main cause of morbidity and mortality in Newborns (NB), as well as causing mainly neurological sequelae. Preterm NB have most immature organs and systems, thus having a higher incidence of developmental problems and deficiency and disability. Due to their vulnerability, premature NB have to be admitted to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) where they are subjected to invasive and stressful procedures which do not create a favourable environment. That is why in NICUs it is necessary to create an environment with minimal stress mainly through the application of Development Centered Care (CCD); a more humanized care, which aims to improve the environment in which the immature RN develops and also to reduce the impact on him. Objective: To know the effectiveness of the implementation of CCD in premature NB in NICUs, as well as to determine the benefits they provide for RN and whether they contribute to the reduction of neurological sequelae that may preterm NB present ​
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