Efectivitat d'un complement alimentari en la cicatrització d'úlceres venoses tractades amb teràpia hiperbàrica: assaig clínic: projecte de recerca

Sfettina Rodríguez, Marina
Currently, venous ulcers are an important health problem due to their high prevalence, repercussion on the quality of life of those affected and the cost of health service. For this reason, it is necessary to investigate new treatments that are effective to face this problem. Recently, more importance is being given to the relationship established between a person's nutritional status and the healing process of venous ulcers. Nutrients such as vitamins and minerals are fundamental in these cases as they provide the organism necessary tools to reconstruct tissues. On the contrary, poor nutritional status worsens and complicates the evolution of healing and increases the risk of appearance. However, the published scientific evidence is limited. For this reason, it is proposed a study that aims to know if nutritional food supplements intervene significantly positive in healing of chronic wounds. Objective: Check if the addition of a specific food supplement with vitamins and minerals (Multicentrum®) accelerates the healing of venous lower limbs ulcers of grade III, treated with hyperbaric oxygen therapy and local care ​
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