Necessitats de les dones amb càncer de mama finalitzada la fase aguda del tractament: projecte de recerca qualitatiu
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Background: Breast cancer is the most frequently diagnosed malignant tumour worldwide
as well as the second most common cause of cancer related deaths. However, the evidence
of women's survival rates is high, positive and encouraging. Completing the acute phase of
treatment, implies the arisal of different needs that can be of a physical, mental, social and
spiritual nature. For this reason, these people need comprehensive and continuous care
that can respond to their needs.
Aim: Learn the needs of women with breast cancer following the acute phase of treatment.
Methodology: A generic qualitative study that will be carried out from September 2021 to
May 2022. The field of study is oncology and the community in the Girona Health Region.
The target population will be women between 25 and 65 years old who have gone through
the acute phase of breast cancer and will be chosen according to intentional sampling. This
study, initially, will be based on a sample of 36 participants (approximately), divided into 4
focal groups of between 8 and 10 participants, with the possibility of molding the sample
according to the saturation of information obtained during the course of the project. Focus
groups will be carried out and the information will be complemented through a
sociodemographic and clinical questionnaire and a guided conversation and the thematic
analysis will be used to respond to the study goals. The project will be presented to the
Clinical Research Ethics Committee of the University Hospital of Girona, Doctor Josep
Trueta, ensuring that it meets the ethical and legal requirements.
Practical implications: Through the results of this study, it is intended to provide nursing
with knowledge about the needs, concerns, feelings and emotions expressed by women
who have suffered from breast cancer. Hence a comprehensive, continuous and
individualized care could be offered through the planning of interventions focused on the
needs of each of the women
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