Wild carnivore and wild bird deposits in an agro-pastoral community during the Bronze Age: Can Roqueta II (northeast Iberian Peninsula) = Depósitos de carnívoros y aves salvajes en una comunidad agrícola-ganadera de la Edad del Bronce: Can Roqueta II (nordeste de la Península Ibérica)
Text Complet
The results of analyses of wild animals in various funerary structures from Sector II of Can Roqueta (Early-Middle Bronze Age) in Catalonia are presented in this article. In general, animal deposits in a funerary context provide an approach to the study of ritual activity and beliefs, especially in agro-pastoral communities where domestic animals are the basic elements of subsistence and the creation of resources. In this case, taxonomic identification indicates the importance of domestic animals due to their role in the economy, as well as their use in food and symbolic offerings and as a manifestation of the power of the dead. By contrast, a taphonomic study indicates the scarcity of wild animal deposits - six birds and two carnivores - and shows the differential use of these species, which are perhaps more closely related to life symbols or totemic symbols
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