New solutions to control robotic environments: quality control in food packaging

Machine vision systems and artificial intelligence techniques are two active research areas in the context of Industry 4.0. Their combination allows the reproduction of human procedures while improving the performance of the processes. However, to achieve the desired full automation, there is a need for new applications able to cover as many industrial scenarios and processes as possible. One of the areas that needs further research and development is the quality control of food packaging, and more specifically in the closure and sealing control of thermoforming packages. The shortcomings in this area were detected by TAVIL who, in collaboration with GILAB, proposed an Industrial Doctorate to investigate, develop and integrate in real scenarios new methods to improve the packaging stage of the food industry by using machine vision systems and artificial intelligence techniques. In the context of this Industrial Doctorate, two focuses of research were defined that differ at the level at which the problem is studied. The first focused on the quality control of food packages, and the second on the efficient management of machine vision systems in industrial scenarios ​
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