Removal of pharmaceuticals in wastewater combining different treatment technologies: suspect screening identification and risk assessment of transformation products

The low efficiency of wastewater treatment plants to achieve the complete removal of micropollutants, including pharmaceuticals, has motivated the development of alternative water technologies to improve their efficiency, sustainability, and operational costs. However, even when the complete elimination of these contaminants is attained, they can be transformed into new and unknown intermediates which might be even more persistent and toxic than their parent compounds. In this doctoral thesis, the development of advanced suspect screening methodologies has been applied for the identification of the transformation products generated along biological and physical and/or chemical treatments. Additionally, their potential environmental effects were evaluated using in silico methods and in vitro bioassays in treated effluents. Finally, their removal efficiency was investigated in combined water treatment technologies. This doctoral thesis demonstrates that multidisciplinary research is needed to properly evaluate the best water treatment technology to use ​
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