Incidència poblacional de neoplàsies hematològiques infantils a Espanya (1995-2014)
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In this epidemiological study, the incidence of hematological neoplasms classified according to the
International Classification of Childhood Cancer third edition (ICCC-3) has been estimated from data
provided by 19 Spanish registries. The study has used data obtained between 1995 and 2014 for
patients of pediatric age (0-14 years). All neoplasms have been revised, recoded under the
International Classification of Diseases for Oncology-3 (ICDO-3) and grouped according to the ICCC-3.
The analysis has been carried out by separating the cases diagnosed by sex and into three age groups,
obtaining the incidence rates, that are crude rate and age-adjusted rate from the standard European
and world population. Up to 2860 cases of hematological diseases have been diagnosed in the
established time period, 1963 cases corresponding to leukaemias, myeloproliferative and
myelodisplastic diseases, and 897 cases of lymphomas and reticuloendothelial neoplasms. Lymphoid
leukemias, and specifically precursor cell leukemias, have been the most common in all registered
territories, constituting 50,2% of all hematological malignances diagnosed with an ASR of 30,5 per
million person-years. With 11,6% of all cases detected, acute myeloid leukemias have placed second
with an incidence rate of 7,0 per million. Among lymphomas, the most common in the period of study
has been Hodgkin's lymphoma with a rate of 6,4 per million and accounting for 10,3% of all treated
pathologies. The incidence rates (ASRw) of leukemias (44,6) and lymphomas (18,5) in Spain have been
very similar to the other European countries, comparing the data provided by the International Agency
for Research on Cancer (IARC). Only some countries in South America and Oceania have registered
higher leukemia rates; while in Asia the incidence rates for limphoma have been lower than European
ones. The incidence analysed in Africa has been considerably lower than the rest of the world.
Specifically, the incidence rate of Burkitt lymphoma in Spain (5,2) is above the rate observed in Europe,
where this pathology is rare in the age group studied