Prevalença de la violència masclista psicològica en adolescents a través d'un nou instrument de cribatge: projecte de recerca
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Violence Against Woman (VAW) is a very serious fact that affects millions of women
around the world, considered one of the major public health problems worldwide.
This is due to the gender inequalities created by the patriarchal culture that forms the
vast majority of our societies. The health consequences of suffering VAW are many and
some of them last a long time.
Of the various forms of VAW, the most common is psychological violence, and in most
cases also the most invisibilized. In addition, if it’s difficult to detect it, you add to it the
myths of VAW and the internalization of romantic love that young people have, who are
most affected, makes it even more difficult.
The health system is usually the first assistance and help to VAW victims. For this reason
it’s essential that as health professionals we make good prevention, detection, care and
recovery. From Primary Care Centers (PCC) is the most accessible place we have to carry
out, above all, good prevention and detection. Apart from the subsequent follow-up,
support and coordination with other professionals that each woman may require.
Objective: To know the prevalence of psychological VAW suffered and suffered by
young women in the Basic Health Area (BHA) of Salt.
This project involves the development of a screening tool to detect gender-based
psychological violence in young women.
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