Baby led weaning: una mirada infermera: projecte de recerca
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Baby Led Weaning is a method of introducing complementary feeding in babies,
starting at 6 months old approximately, using solid food. The term "weaning"
describes the period during which breastfeeding is progressively reduced and
complementary foods are being introduced into the diet.
In recent years, this methodology has been prevalent worldwide, although it has
not followed the same trend in Spain.
Objectives: Analyze the nursing interventions that are carried in primary care in
relation to the introduction of complementary feeding using the Baby Led
Weaning methodology.
Methodology: This project proposes a descriptive, qualitative, cross-sectional
study. This study is designed to run from September of 2021 to August of 2022.
The study population will consist of nurses who work in the field of pediatric
consultation at the Primary Care Centers on the Girona Health Region. Simple
random sampling will be used.
An ad hoc questionnaire will be used as data collection tool: "BLW for nurses"
as well as a focus group conducted with the nurses who express their
willingness to participate.
The software used to analyze quantitative data is SPSS (Statistical Package for
the Socials Sciences) 25.0. The software used to analyze qualitative data is