La soledat i l'aïllament social durant el confinament per la COVID-19 des de la perspectiva de les persones grans institucionalitzades: projecte finalitzat

Coll Julià, Marta
Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic is a new and exceptional situation that has led to the application of isolation and social distancing measures. Institutionalized seniors are a risk group who were completely isolated from the outside during the first wave. Social isolation and especially family distancing raised their feeling of loneliness in this group, which prevalence was high, 55%. On the other hand, the feeling of loneliness has an impact on people's physical and psychological health. For this reason, it is important to attend and support the experiences of loneliness of institutionalized seniors. Objective: To analyse the loneliness and isolation caused by confinement, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, in institutionalized elderly people of a geriatric centre in Banyoles. Methodology: It is a qualitative study with a small sample of 4 participants, 75% female. In-depth interviews have been taken to institutionalized elderly people who were living during the first wave in a nursing home in Banyoles. The speech is analysed, so that the content is classified into topics and categories. Results: All the participants expressed the feeling loneliness from before the confinement, so that over time they could live with the loneliness situation. However, the way they live loneliness is different, some prefer to be alone and others look for support and company within the auxiliaries or residents. During the confinement, they felt sad, distressed, with non-specific discomfort, a feeling of apathy or prolonged boredom. To cope with these symptoms, they used residential or their own resources. Concerning health, they report discomfort or nervousness, but they do not consider that their state of health has worsened because of the isolation. Conclusions: Loneliness is a common feeling in institutionalized seniors that has increased due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Participants had some mild symptoms. However, they can accept the new situation and learn to live with the feeling of loneliness. Besides, in terms of health status, when a person perceives an increase of loneliness due to the confinement or when they joined the residence, it is when their health condition worsens. However, participating 6 residents consider their health status to be good or very good and to have maintained it during confinement ​
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