Estudi sobre els coneixements i actituds envers l'eutanàsia en estudiants del grau d'infermeria i professionals d'infermeria: projecte de recerca
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BACKGROUND. After being in the spotlight for a long time, the Congress of Deputies
of Spain has given the green light to the Euthanasia Law; therefore, this practice will
soon become a reality in our country. Due to the specific position that professional
nurses occupy today in relation to the care of terminal and palliative patients, and
taking into account that this group develops a key and unique role in the countries
where euthanasia is already legalized, surely their involvement in this process will be
OBJECTIVES. The main purpose of the project is to learn, on the part of Nursing
degree students and graduate or licensed professional nurses, their knowledge about
euthanasia and its bioethical conflicts, the attitudes and the support of this practice.
DESIGN AND METHODOLOGY. A descriptive and cross-sectional observational
study will be carried out, with quantitative methodology. This will take place during the
academic year 2021-2022 at the Nursing Faculty of the University of Girona (UdG)
and in the different Inpatients Units of Santa Caterina Hospital (Salt). Two models of
a structured and self-administered questionnaire have been designed: one for the
sample of students and the other for professionals who have already graduated or
licensed. Different sociodemographic variables, knowledge related to euthanasia and
bioethical conflicts and, lastly, attitudes and support for the practice of euthanasia will
be studied through two questionnaires already validated in the Spanish population: the
Spanish version of the Euthanasia Attitude Scale ( EAS), the EAS-ES; and the Attitude
Towards Euthanasia Scale (ATE), the Escala de Actitudes hacia la Eutanasia. All data
will be analysed using the statistical Software «IBM SPSS Statistics ® 27»
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